The election season is now over, and while you no longer see campaign signs every other block, or billboards across town, your council members still have a major impact on your community. The 2019 election season brings a whirlwind of 8 new faces to the council downtown, and you should get to know them, they will be representing you and your neighborhoods for at least the next 2 years, and they’re all ears to your concerns.
Mayor - Eric Johnson
First up is mayor Eric Johnson who won in the runoff election June 8th. Johnson is a born and raised Dallasite and represented Texas House District 100 in Austin for 8 years. Johnson, while being a newcomer to City Hall is no stranger to the Dallas community, as he served on the Dallas Arboretum Board, the Dallas Boys and Girls Club, and the Dallas Homeless Alliance among many others. Johnson made it a central aspect of his campaign to focus on ethical reform and to make the City of Dallas work for the people, and not to be distracted by feuds and internal squabbles between the council. If you have any concerns or thoughts to share with the mayor, don’t hesitate to make your concerns known! You can contact the Mayor’s Office at https://dallascityhall.com/government/citymayor/Pages/contact.aspx
District 1 - Chad West
Next is freshman Councilman Chad West of District 1. Chad West was born in Illinois, but has been a huge part of the Dallas Community for many years. West served in the US Army and attended Texas Tech Law School. West opened his law firm in the Oak Cliff neighborhood of Dallas in 2010, and has been an avid community leader ever since. West made the issues that mattered to him clear and intends to protect Dallas neighborhoods and historical structures while in office. If you live in District 1, you can reach Councilman West here: https://dallascityhall.com/government/citycouncil/district1/Pages/Contacts.aspx
District 4 - Carolyn King Arnold
While not an entirely new face, Carolyn King Arnold was elected to serve her full term on the council on June 8th. Arnold has lived in District 4 for almost 40 years and was a former educator. Arnold has tirelessly served her community as the President of the Glen Oaks Homeowners Association, a community volunteer for South Oak Cliff High School, and a member of the Friendship West Baptist Church. Councilwoman Arnold intends to create environmentally friendly communities in Dallas. If you live in District 4 and wish to contact Arnold, you can do so here: https://dallascityhall.com/government/citycouncil/district4/pages/contacts.aspx
District 5 - Jaime Resendez
Jaime Resendez is serving his first term as a Councilmember from District 5, and has proved his dedication to his Southeast Dallas community. Resendez was born and raised in the Pleasant Grove community of Dallas and attended Eastfield Community College, UNT Dallas, and The University of Texas Law school. Resendez, prior to graduating, served in the US Army for 8 years before returning to finish his education. Resendez was elected to the DISD Board of Trustees and is widely accomplished in bringing funding, as well as gifted and talented programs to his community’s schools. Resendez, while in office, intends to improve public transportation and the DART system for all of Dallas. You can contact Councilman Resendez here: https://dallascityhall.com/government/citycouncil/district5/pages/contacts.aspx
District 7 - Adam Balzaldua
Adam Bazaldua was a teacher at Skyline High School, former Chair of the Dallas Green Alliance, and DISD Task Force appointee prior to being elected to represent his community of District 7. Bazaldua is committed to beatification of his district, tackling the homelessness issues in Dallas, and quality economic growth for Dallas. You can reach Councilman Bazaldua here: https://dallascityhall.com/government/citycouncil/district7/pages/contacts.aspx
District 9 - Paula Blackmon
Paula Blackmon is a longtime resident of East Dallas, and has been part of the community for 25 years. Blackmon is a Texas Tech Graduate, and has worked with multiple State Representatives to advocate for her community. Prior to being elected, Blackmon served as the Chief of Staff to former mayor Mike Rawlings, and served for DISD overseeing parent and family engagement. Blackmon plans on ensuring the health and wellbeing of White Rock Lake, a central greenspace in her community. You can contact Councilwoman Blackmon here: https://dallascityhall.com/government/citycouncil/district9/Pages/Contacts.aspx
District 12 - Cara Mendelsohn
Cara Mendelsohn will be representing and serving the Far North Dallas community of District 12 and has a long list of accomplishments and positions serving her community. Mendelsohn grew up in the North Dallas Area and attended J.J. Pearce High School, and went on to graduate from the University of Texas at Austin. Mendelsohn, upon many others, has worked and served in District 12 through the Jewish Family Services as President and on the Board of Directors; the Executive Director of Rebuilding Together North Texas, a non-profit focused on free home repair for those in need; and serving on many city coalitions and commissions regarding homelessness and housing in Dallas. While in office, Mendelsohn intends to support our Dallas Police Force, acquire a second ambulance for her district, and reversing the rise in property taxes. You can reach Councilwoman Mendelsohn here: https://dallascityhall.com/government/citycouncil/district12/pages/contacts.aspx
District 14 -David Blewett
Last but not least, we have Councilman David Blewett of District 14. Blewett graduated from Southern Methodist University where he played football for the University, and has been a resident of his district for over 25 years. Blewett served on the Crime Watch for his neighborhood of Lakewood Heights, and also served as a city appointee for the conservation of Dallas’ famed M-Streets. Blewett intends to hire more police officers, tackle the issue of rising property taxes, and create an ethical environment at city hall in his time in office. You can contact Councilman Blewett here: https://dallascityhall.com/government/citycouncil/district14/pages/contacts.aspx